Explore our portfolio of high-quality, innovative heating and cooling solutions. Bosch Home Comfort offers Bosch tankless, point-of-use and electric water heaters, Bosch and Buderus floor-standing and wall-hung boilers, Bosch and FHP water-source, geothermal and air-source heat pump systems, air purifiers, as well as controls and accessories for every product line.
Heating and Cooling Heat Pump Systems
Water-to-water, water-to-air, and air-to-air heat pump & air conditioning systems from Bosch.

Gas & Oil Boilers and Furnaces
Gas, oil-fired and condensing boilers from Bosch.

Water Heating Systems
Gas tankless and electric water heaters from Bosch.

Connected thermostats and controls from Bosch.

A home with clean air is a healthier home. Improve your indoor air quality with the latest well-being solutions from Bosch.